TCX export and statistics added to MiCycle apps

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TCX export and statistics added to MiCycle apps

On September 8, 2017, Posted by , In MiCycle,New Features,New Releases, With No Comments

We are happy to announce a new release of MiCycle and MiCycle Pro applications. Two main additions are: Statistics interface (to display overall, last and this month’s statistical data about rides) and TCX / GPX export of ride (to be able to import it later into Strava or similar web portals). GPX format includes just a basic ride data (locations, elevation, timestamps) while TCX format includes all data (position, heart rate, power, cadence, etc.). Export is done via email – both file formats are attached to email message as well as MiCycle native mcl format.

Besides above big new features we also included few minor and fixes. If you use Apple Watch (with WatchOS 3 or newer), we now can pass heart rate data from watch back to iPhone to record during the ride (in case you prefer use Apple Watch’s heart rate sensor instead of bluetooth one). Orientation of ride map is now done by GPS course oppose to magnetic compass, which makes the orientation way more precise. We properly disable dimming timer when you start you ride from existing route. Some fonts on in-ride display were increased for better readability. We hope you enjoy new version of our cycling apps!

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